Sunday, August 21, 2011

Introductions and Other Such Palaver (Part Deux)


I've made my official relocation from the formatting cesspool that is LiveJournal and back to Blogger. As I've also set up a Google+ account this very morning, I am a little concerned that Our All-Pervasive Overlords may have too many fingers in my pie (which ought to be taken out of context as much as possible), but nevertheless, the blogging must continue.

For those of you reading this that aren't previously familiar with me and found my listed biography less than helpful, my name is Timothy J. Meyer and I'm a Minnesota-based unpublished playwright, optioned screenwriter, lapsed-podcaster, actor-of-circumstance and aspiring novelist. Two of my plays have premiered at the Minneapolis Fringe Festival (2006 for Burning Bridges and 2008 for adjective), another (a commissioned adaptation of Pride & Prejudice in 2007) at Becker High School. Three of my screenplays have been produced in the Fargo/Moorhead community (Hades, The Writing and Petty Crimes) all in association with Dan Glaser of Clever Lever Pictures and a fourth, entitled Safety is currently in development in Los Angeles. I'm the director, writer, producer and editor of The Endless Night, a science fiction audio drama podcast (currently on hiatus) from An Art Lawful Productions and I'm local stage and screen actor, though generally only when pressed. I've appeared in several local productions, as well as the aforementioned films Hades, Petty Crimes and a lead role in the 2009 black crime comedy Pinching Penny, available on Amazon, VOD and retailers this October 11th.

Which brings me to the novelist-aspirant portion. I'm currently in the drafting process for a science fiction novel, based on the podcast series, tentatively entitled Hull Damage. I'm currently less than a handful of pages from achieving the novel's unofficial two-thirds marker and will probably be taking a shot hiatus from the daily grind to brainstorm and bounce ideas about the final third and one could probably expect something of an exhaustive discussion of the novel itself there.

Otherwise, I'll post excerpts and updates on a hopefully weekly-ish basis and realistically on a biweekly basis. I'll most likely ruminate on the novel, side projects, what I'm reading, what I'm playing, the various tabletop RPG campaigns I'm engaged in and eventually, when the novel's completed, the harrowing world of modern publication.

I hope to find Blogger somewhat more welcoming than LiveJournal, though I remain uncertain about developing a readerbase so, if you like my work, do what you can to spread the word!

Here's me corpse on Twitter

Until later.
- T

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