Obviously, I've been busy as of late and the posting's been a "Sparse" is a good word to describe an entry that's barely there and only counts as blogging by the vaguest of technical definitions. Let's go with sparse.
At any rate, I imagine I owe something of an explanation. In lieu of that, let me regale you some more about this book I'm sure you've never heard of.
As I said yesterday, the book teaser is online (give 'er another view, willya, guv?) and is more or less attracting good press. Approximately 300 views in two days ain't nothing to sneeze at, I'd be the first to admit. Near 20 "likes" as well, last I checked. It goes pretty much without saying that I'm extremely proud of the work we've done and am only too thrilled at how positive the response is. I'm hoping to reach a 1,000 views within the week. Maybe a little ambitious, but still.
The IndieGoGo campaign, on the other hand, is not exactly exploding. Now, we have raised $120 over the past two days and while I'm extremely grateful to our four contributors, it hasn't quite launched with the intensity I'd hoped. Most successful crowdfunding campaigns that I've observed seem to launch with rather more velocity early on and tend to peter out as the days drag on but, in this case, I'm a little afraid of what that'll spell for HULL DAMAGE.
Still, we're at 11% funded on Day 2. I'm certainly being too hard on myself, as is my wont, but it doesn't make the waiting any easier.
Someone (either the missus or Dan) first wished me today's title before I retired to bed on the day in question. It's been tumbling around in my head ever since. As pessimistic as I tend to get, it's important, I imagine, to remember the small handful of dedicated fans out there who do care and are interested in the book's eventual release, regardless of what the IndieGoGo seems to imply.
You faithfuls keep me afloat. Happy Hull Damage, everyone.
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