What I'm Reading: Gun Machine by Warren Ellis. Been waiting to sink my teeth into this one for sometime now. I was a casual fan of Ellis' previous novel, the zany, psychedelic Crooked Little Vein, but to only hear the premise of Gun Machine, it even sounds like much more my speed. I'm scarcely 50 pages in and, overall, enjoying myself. Like all successful novels, it suffers from having an incredible opening, prose-wise, and a general decline thereafter. That said, it's interesting to intercut reading Ellis' prose and writing my own and watching his unique style flavor my thoughts and expressions.
What I'm Listening To: Pacific Rim (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Ramin Djawadi. Djawadi, the man behind the infectious Game of Thrones main theme, is a surprisingly competent composer. Perhaps simply because of the requirements of a television show, but his thematic work in GoT approaches Shorian levels of complexity, with each major family exhibiting their own themes and the occasional merciless blend between two contrasting themes, used to great symbolic effect. Like the film, however, the Pacific Rim soundtrack is raw fun and its main theme really invokes, to me, a sense of titanic footfalls.
What I'm Watching: 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation & Louie. The most recent seasons of all three of the above shows listed escaped my grasp when they aired and I've, subsequently, caught up with each over the course of the past few weeks. Like a father with her children, I love them all for different reasons. 30 Rock has an almost Futurama-esque affinity to pack raw comedy into practically every sentence its characters utter, Parks and Rec isn't afraid to make a show, ultimately, about characters rather than punch lines and Louie, as always, is riding the cutting edge of experimental/mainstream television.
I really, really need a name of this segment. Any ideas, loyal readership?
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